Thoughts & Insights


The 3 D’s of Being a Board Director

The role of board director is perhaps as complex and challenging as it is highly desirable. For many it represents the capstone of their career. It is an opportunity to contribute wisdom, knowledge and expertise as well as to learn from other esteemed and accomplished individuals. The position is aspirational albeit not always accessible. This makes it all the more…
Patricia Lenkov
October 26, 2020

Risky Business: The Perils of Being a Board Director

The role of corporate board director can be highly desirable. To many it represents the capstone of a career and the ultimate confirmation of achievement and success. We all know that one typically does not become a board director until we have achieved a certain level of accomplishment, esteem and wisdom. And it is precisely because of this track record of…
Patricia Lenkov
October 26, 2020

Board Refreshment: New Paradigms for Board Effectiveness

Board refreshment is trending. For those of us not of the millennial generation (myself included) this simply means that board refreshment is popular, praised and finally becoming mainstream. The reasons for this are numerous. Firstly, diversity in the boardroom has been a so-called “hot topic” for years now. These days we clearly understand that diverse boards make better decisions and these…
Patricia Lenkov
October 26, 2020

Elemental and Very Essential Boardroom Manners

Emily Post is one of the best known experts on etiquette and manners. But there are countless others providing advice on how to behave. There are trainings, books and a myriad of articles on business etiquette, social etiquette and manners of all types. This guidance tends however, to end outside the boardroom doors. Perhaps, we assume that by definition board…
Patricia Lenkov
March 27, 2020

Board Diversity: What are you Waiting For?

The burden of proof has been met. Diverse boards make better decisions and lead to improved company performance. Yet despite the research, validation, prodding by institutional investors and state and city government as well as all types of social and nonprofit organizations, a startling 1805 companies out of 3192 (companies from the Fortune 1000 and Russell 3000) in a gender…
Patricia Lenkov
March 13, 2020

10 Key Questions to ask Your Executive Recruiter

You are ready to get started. There is a position that is open, the requirements have been established and you are about to hire what you feel is the ideal Executive Recruiter to conduct the perfect search. Full steam ahead right? Wrong. A pause to ask and get answers to the following Recruiter questions will go a long way at…
Patricia Lenkov
March 3, 2020

Create a Continuous Learning Culture on Your Board, Today!

The board of directors knows everything. Or do they? By virtue of their stature and prominence both within a corporation and outside, there is a somewhat unspoken belief that directors on a board already have all the experience and knowledge that they need. But in today’s hyper-evolving and hyper-competitive business environment this is no longer the case. Boards like everyone…
Patricia Lenkov
July 29, 2016

Medical Leave: A Monkey Wrench in the Succession-Planning Process

Originally published in What do the CEOs of, Level 3 Communications and Valeant Pharmaceuticals all have in common? In the past year, they have all taken a medical leave. While their medical problems are different and unquestionably unfortunate, the impact on their companies could be far-reaching and, if not handled properly, devastating. The reality of medical leave among…
Patricia Lenkov
May 24, 2016

The Buck Stops Here. Let’s Begin.

Agility Executive Search